
Sunday, October 23, 2011

Why Does it Matter?

You've heard the expression that you are what you eat? That goes for your skin as well. Your skin is your largest organ, it is also the one that is most easily and most often exposed to toxins, and is highly absorbent. When you put chemicals on your skin and scalp they are absorbed into your cells, and bloodstream. Over time they can collect there, and ultimately affect your overall well being.

I always ask folks to think of it in terms of their children, their pets, or another loved one. Would you knowingly, and willingly expose your child to immune suppressants, formaldehyde, or known carcinogens on a daily basis? Then why would you do it to yourself? In fairness, it's not all your fault. Billions of dollars are spent every year to make sure that you think it is not only right, but normal, and necessary to do so. What they don't tell you is how few regulations are put in place to make sure that Big Beauty companies are keeping you out of harms way. Here is another great resource for toxin checking your skincare.

We here at Naturalized Citizen are getting involved in the beauty revolution. We want to help you set your skin free. It may take a little while for you to get used to things. Natural skincare looks, feels, and smells different than what most of us are used to, but the results speak for themselves. As your skin normalizes and naturalizes you will notice a new glow, and softness that you haven't seen since your toddler years. We hope that it might be the first step in your own personal self care revolution. We also help that you will let us walk with you every step of the way.


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